Thursday, September 24, 2009

I found it

I still like thinking about Donald
Miller with Anne Lamott having lunch.
Don't you?! Well, after that little
adventure , I found it and you can
get a free copy also from the publisher
for writing a review. So I signed up.
My Tenn. blogging friend
will get a copy too. I hope I can get
all that is needed to do this with everything
else but it is exciting. Is that too hard for
doing something you love?


melissa said...

Got mine and am to write a review on Sept. 29th, 'cause they're having everyone reviewing do theirs the same day. Impact I guess.

Miller's supposed to be at our church to speak on Nov. 4th, but I'll miss it because it's the same day as our oldest daughter's birthday. Would be curious to see what he has to say. Apparently the publishers are figuring this will make a big splash.

melissa said...

Ooops, should've seen where your link went, because I was talking about Miller's book while you were referring to the Guinness!

Typing too fast!

Bonnie said...

I have his book coming from the library. This Mansfield book is not in the library, at least not yet. I will be looking for your blog. That's easy because I read you almost everyday. What a blessing you are!
