The book I am
reading :
Letters of John and
Abigail Adams.
He was Lysander. She was Portia.
She wrote him : My Dearest Friend.
He wrote her: Miss Adorable.
I adore a book of letters. I adore
autobiographies. We are studying
American History, so when Emma
( who is reading a biography of
Abigail ) said "Abigail loved Shakespeare"
I could show her Abigail's letters that
had some lines from plays and of
course, Portia from A Merchant in
Venice. Today when I asked her who
Abigail loved, Emma said John!!!!
He wrote her at times about the
education of their children while
he was away at the Continental Congress.
Here is when his son John was 10.
" Tell Mr. John ....that the moral
Sentiments of his Heart, are more
important than the Furniture of his Head.
Let him be sure that he possesses the
great Virtues of Temperance, Justice,
Magnanitmity, Honour and Generosity,
and with this , added to his Parts he
cannot fail to become a wise and great
" Does he read the Newspapers? The
Events of this War, should not pass
unobserved by him at his years.
As he reads History , you should ask
him, what Events of this War, strike
him most? What Characters he esteems
and admires? Which he hates and abhors?
Which he despises?
No doubt he makes some observations,
young as he is.
Treachery, Perfidy, Cruelty, Hypocrisy,
Avarice,&c &c should be pointed out
to him for his , Contempt as well as
Detestations. "
June 27,1777 , Philadelphia