Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Roots Sink Deep
Another Buckingham has started a blog:
Roots Sink Deep : Embracing the Ordinary
She wrote me letters during her courtship with my son:
the middle son of 5.
Her letters made me cry with joy.
I knew she knew this son was the one.
I was hoping he would ask.
" If he asked, I'd be his."
He did and they got married almost a year ago: a few weeks from now.
Enjoy her writing of ordinary that is extraordinary.
She will bless you.
In proper of theme of this journal ” embracing the ordinary” A hot shower, water beating across my tired face- never ceases to impress me. The water, it washes away the day and leaves one feeling baptized in warmth. May I never grow cold, to the warm gift of hot water.
This other Buckingham needs to get back to writing:
Swimming in the Breeze.
She did write a current events blog this year.
It was called: Lollapalooza.
Don't you like all the title names?!!
I do.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
School year fini
Grades done and the year is over. YEA!
I forgot I had a blog this last week. Do you ever feel like that?
It is a responsibility.
It does have " moments that you can feel a blog coming from what you are doing or
It is fun with its editing and photos and links.
Summer is here.
Now if I could figure out to get some photos off of facebook, I could show you
what I did this past weekend.
Stay tuned..............
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Today is Victoria Day!
In Canada, to celebrate the birthday of dear Queen Victoria.
and her dear Prince Albert!
Her diary on her wedding day:
The transcript
Queen Victoria writes about her wedding day in her journal.
February 10, 1840
Slept well & breakfasted at ½p. 9, before which Mama came, bringing me a nosegay of
orange flowers, & good Lehzen gave me a dear little ring. Wrote my Journal & saw Lord
Melbourne. Had my hair dressed & the wreath of orange flowers put on my head. My wreath
& veil were worn, according to the rough sketch. Saw my precious Albert alone, for the last
time as my Bridegroom, & he fetched in Uncle & Ernest for a moment. At ½p. 12 I set off,
dearest Albert having gone before, & Mama & the Duchess of Sutherland went with me in the
carriage. I wore a white satin dress, with a deep flounce of Honiton lace, an imitation of an
old design. My jewels were my Turkish diamond necklace & earrings & dear Albert’s
beautiful sapphire brooch. I never saw such crowds as there were in the Park, & they cheered
most enthusiastically..............
Queen Victoria in her wedding dress by Winterhalter, 1842
The wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Queen Victoria's wedding dress, now sans skirt lace
A middle aged Victoria and Albert recreate their wedding day
"There is a God, there is a future healed world that he will bring about, and your work is showing it ( in part) to others. Your work will only be partially successful on your best
days, in bringing that world about."
This book helped me see all of my work from teaching to laundry like Leaf from Niggle..
Read the book to see why.
It was in my public library.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
hands are itching.... for handwork
Listening to Tim Keller while typing this. Free Sermons here.
We have so much to be thankful for like free sermons from
gifted preachers. Wouldn't we love to hear instead of read Jonathan
Edwards or Calvin or Spurgeon.
Getting summer-like here.
Classes winding down.
My book reading stack building up.
IS there more time now? Yes, yes, yes.
I brought back a stack from the library this morning.
A stack for ideas for handwork:
Monday, May 13, 2013
From seeing this painting:
The Visitation by Rembrandt
Excellent YOUTUBE video of the painting here.
I can't get it to load right now.
SO I gave up and gave you the link.
It was the first painting in the exhibit at the Frist Museum on Nashville.
I came back to it before leaving. I stared and stared at its beauty.
Beauty still resonating in my mind.
Also saw these two:
Sunday, May 5, 2013
A poem for the Sabbath
It is a very steel grey Sabbath.
Heat is on in the house.
Soon, heat will be outside the house.
We will be sweating.
Today , we are reminded of God's Sovereignty.
He brings us rain to grow the earth.
He gives us our daily bread.
Here is Rebecca of The Little Boots Litanies with a poem for the Sabbath:
The Lord is my shepherd.
I am made calm
by the strong turn of his fingers
round the staff that collects me
into His company.
(Continue here.)
and young moms can read her on The Story Warren
as she remembers those days with toddlers.
I am going to meet her tonight. She is in town to hear
Sally Lloyd Jones, author of these books. Going to meet Sally too.
I absolutely love these lines in Sally's bio:
Sally lives in Manhattan and enjoys dividing her time between the front half of her apartment and the back.
Every day she is grateful she gets to do what she loves. lt’s her dream come true.
Friday, May 3, 2013
DO you need a new tote?
Here is how to make a totebag from Mollie Makes:
She says these are a favorite of Purl Bee. We popped into this yarn shop in Soho, NYC
in Sept. More instructions here.
Cool and things that are cool
Cool here.
So lovely.
Makes you believe summer is far away.
The heat of summer, that is.
Loving EVERY GOOD ENDEAVOR about work by Tim Keller.
It is sinking into the depths and I felt some things in my mind and heart
turn around. Yes. Good books do that.
The school year is wrapping up.
I can see the end.
GOOD NEWS: # 4 son will be in England for a semester
He has lots of doors opening. He will be in CA for a month for a Geography Research
Project( in a month). So now, I am opting to visit England instead of CA.
Hoping. Emma's eyes were wild when she heard.
He's waiting to hear about another summer internship near my sister's house.
That will be for the rest of the summer.
His room here will be used part time this summer. He gets all 4 wisdom teeth out when
he gets home from college next weekend. House will be fuller soon & will fill & empty
during the hot summer months.
Going to see the Dutch Master's next weekend so prepping with The Story of Dutch Painting:
Rembrandt van Rijn’s “The Visitation,” from 1640.
Good blog on the way to finding the book:
The Dutchess plus her art blog: The Hill Top
Isn't that cool?!
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