Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rewatching a classic........It is a universal truth

We were struck by the beauty
of the filming of Pride AND
Prejudice by Focus Films as
we rewatched it the last couple
of days. The camera looks down
halls, sees into windows, watches
as Elizabeth Bennett walks or
swings like she's in a Vermeer

You see we finished
Foyles War last week. So we've
been rewatching favorites.
It is sort of like comfort food.

We will be watching these films
this weekend:

The Steps of Worship: Film and
the Dance of Litany

Good blog by Greg Wilbur on The
Dance as Litany.
Have you seen any of these?
I have seen the first one and the
second. I have read this review of the
last one
written by Jason Saxon
Smith: The Educated Imagination:

A thesis I propose concerning this film is that Marilyn Hotchkiss' story, imagery, and symbolism reflect the work and mission of the Church in the world.

Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Method of Grace

That is a title of a sermon that
George Whitefield preached on the
onset of the Great Awakening in the
1700's...American Colonies. That
also is what my high school students
were to read for today's class.

One of these students called on her
way , an hour's drive, to class.
"Can I write on that sermon in my
journal?" She was catching up on
something else for me and wanted to
do that too. . So I said:
"You can lead the discussion today!"

She did and all of them wrote how to
apply what Whitefield preached to their
own mind, heart and soul.

Ben Franklin was a close friend of
Whitefields. He wrote:

"wonderful...change soon made in the manners of our inhabitants. From being thoughtless or indifferent about religion, it seem'd as if all the world were growing religious, so that one could not walk thro' the town in an evening without hearing psalms sung in different families of every street."

The Lord gave me something .....
Grace. I was searching for what to do
in class when she called.
The Lord cares more than I
ever can imagine about the hearts
and the minds of each in class today.
He showed me that!
I could have sang! Imagine walking
our streets as Franklin did and

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday rain of gratitude

Weekends can mean boys coming
home and one did for Fall Break.
Our cat, Oreo, had her ears perked
and sort of a "who is that" look on
her whole body: Gordan's voice
came booming up the stairs and
then she knew who he was! Good
weekend and all the guys but one
came here for some time during the
weekend. The other was kayaking
to Capers Island, SC to camp for his
Fall Break. Gorgeous weekend. The
skies alone gave you a good mood
and a longing to travel and be outside.

One new soup that I made by Julia
Child: Mushroom Soup. Recipe from
a blogger.
Mine from Julia's book.
The same in both places.
Gordan loves mushrooms. So you
know when anyone in the family
comes home after being away, what
do you do? You cook for them.
You cook what they love.

Heading out of town towards the end
of the week to a film conference.

I read alot in Jan Karon's new book.
It put a good mood in my heart.

Friday, October 22, 2010

It arrived .........

Font size

I read two chapters
outside on the back deck
while having an hor d'oeuvre
in the gorgeous late afternoon
sun. Must have some amethyst
in the sky as the sun set............
according to this poet:

"October" by Robert Frost

O hushed October morning mild,
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.
The crows above the forest call;
Tomorrow they may form and go.
O hushed October morning mild,
Begin the hours of this day slow.
Make the day seem to us less brief.
Hearts not averse to being beguiled,
Beguile us in the way you know.
Release one leaf at break of day;
At noon release another leaf;
One from our trees, one far away.
Retard the sun with gentle mist;
Enchant the land with amethyst.
Slow, slow!
For the grapes’ sake, if they were all,
Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,
Whose clustered fruit must else be lost—
For the grapes’ sake along the wall.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Amazing.....when things happen

Like on Saturday.
To the Farmer's Market.
Then my husband catching
up with me. We go to the
Thrift Store ......because I
just had gotten up in the
morning and thought I better
go. For what? We have
everything we need. So I went.
Don't you know when the Spirit
moves upon you , you listen.
You go.

At the Thrift Store, Ken finds
some denim shirts which he loves
to wear. Half price. They are already
cheap and now cheaper. I then
decide to look at the tops because
they too are half price. That keeps us
there longer than just running in to
look about. We found a lamp and if
you knew our household, we are
hard on ~~ lamps and chairs.
So again, my husband is happy.
$3.00. He leaves ( we are in 2 cars)
and then in walks a dear friend who
has gotten a job and I don't see as much.
There we hugged , exclaimed God's
goodness in her just stopping by to
look at baby books. She was just with
her new grandson. There we praised the
Lord in gratitude and went out for
coffee! We caught up.

All day long I felt loved and cared for
by my heavenly Father.

I'm thankful for a daughter-in-law
who stopped by late Sunday afternoon.
Just to catch up.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Best Selling Book: 1662

My high school literature class
has just read 30 stanzas of the
best selling book in 1662.
That was a huge number in the
New World.
Did you ever read any of it or know
about it in your education?

It is The Day of Doom by Rev. Michael
Wigglesworth. He wrote 208 stanzas.
He was taught by the first Pres. of
Harvard, then a seminary, Rev. Increase
Mather. Then Rev. Cotton Mather
preached Wigglesworth's funeral.
A Bible and a good education = this

Today we listened at the end of class
to Keith Green's song: The Sheep
and the Goats
. Remember him?
He wrote There is a Redeemer,
Lord, You are Beautiful
( this has a live track...really good!)
You Put the Love in My Heart,
Easter Song, How Majestic is Thy Name.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Books from the library,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU15_.jpg

And several Betsy Tacy books.
I never read them having all those
boys! I want to read all of them.
Have you?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Gratitude

My husband said this past
weekend that Monday is Canada's
Thanksgiving.They celebrate on the
weekend. It is not the same Pilgrims
but for the homecoming, not harvest,
of Martin Frobisher: explorer of the
Northwest Passage in the late 1500's.
It was to celebrate his long journey and
survival.Later, Henry Hudson didn't make it
back. So I thought about Ann....and her
blog that talks into our lives. Aren't you
thankful for her?!

I am for others that I do know:

, for a wonderful bird walk on Weds.
and her class for my daughter. I praised
the Lord that I could walk at the Greenway
for 2 hours without pain! ( see Emma on the
far left in the back)

, for seeing you more now! You keep
me thinking of how to live well unto the Lord!

Dotsie, for all your encouragement in letters,
emails, and teas! You have put so much into
my daughter's heart too!

, for your visit this past summer! And
your love for your daughter, math for my
daughter, and hopefully will see you soon
( getting you up here to speak).

Nancy, for new titles of books and digging in
together on the net for how to do all of this
home ~~ school ~~ ing a la Charlotte Mason.
Hope Canada was so very good.

, your love of Charlotte Mason,
leading our book discussion last year
and digging into those ideas!

, your motherhood strengthens
me! You know I find myself praying for you
and your family. It's your transparent writing!
And escaping into books. Good ones!

Sara, thank you for your postcards that
lifted me up postsurgery! I got reading
your blog when you posted on Elizabeth
Goudge! Good book titles from you!

I have been changed by this man's work.
Thank you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sabbath Reading

From Makoto Fujimura
in the style of Revelation
to the churches:
A Letter to North American
Churches from an Artist.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Keller book

Interesting new book ..which made
my heart flutter. You know what I

Here's a short blog by Tim Keller:
Late Modern or Post-modern?

Here's Justin Taylor on this new
book. Good short review. Has to
be good. It's Keller.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Full house this weekend
with college sons home and
now it is quiet. Good appt.
on my hip on Saturday.
Still exercising to get more
flexibility. Thankful for grace.
I saw it in many tiny ways.

The poem below says:
"How flawless its grace is."
I love that line.
It is , isn't it.

And of course the last line
strikes deep to a gal with
new hips!
Said better than I could say!


by Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry

for Gurney Norman, quoting him

The woods is shining this morning.
Red, gold and green, the leaves
lie on the ground, or fall,
or hang full of light in the air still.
Perfect in its rise and in its fall, it takes
the place it has been coming to forever.
It has not hastened here, or lagged.
See how surely it has sought itself,
its roots passing lordly through the earth.
See how without confusion it is
all that it is, and how flawless
its grace is. Running or walking, the way
is the same. Be still. Be still.
“He moves your bones, and the way is clear."