A dear friend who I teach alongside
gave me a copy downloaded FREE
of the soundtrack of Julie and Julia.
I have been perked up this afternoon
after going over themes of Hamlet: revenge
and who is really the revenger, what are
the consequences and what does the Bible
say. I put the CD on while making calzones
with Trader Joe's pizza dough.
Evan,(bringing some to him,) is doing a
triathlon on Saturday. It's not a full one.
We head up to Boone tomorrow to be
his cheering squad. He gets to swim
across a mountain lake to start out.
My oldest did a half triathlon in Florida
last October. Not my cup of tea but I'm
proud of them. Quite a goal to attain.
So I was transported to France and
Queens this afternoon ~~ want to see the
movie again!
One of my favorite scenes at Le Cordon
Well have fun cheering Evan! Sounds like a good family time. I wonder where she got the sound track?
I'll have to ask or make you a copy!
I still have not seen the movie...Soon..very soon...I just watched Julia this afternoon..She and her french friend were making crepes...I have always enjoyed her..
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