Saturday, August 8, 2009

Concert Fun

Would love to be here in
this blog walking on the beach,
again. Wouldn't you!?

was in town last night
and one of my sons went. They
canceled their last stop in the US'
and flew out to Europe last night.
They gave out a free CD of a live
concert during this tour.
We were all excited even with only
one of us going! Sometimes it's just
fun to be alongside and see your child
have a great time! He did ~~~ and
was blessed with moving from lawn
seats to near the front! I just can
get in a better mode listening to some
of their music.


Come Away With Me said...

Yes, I would love to be walking that beach, and wearing that dress too!

Coldplay - know the name but not the music (I'm so out of it!)

Bonnie said...'ve heard them, I'm sure.
Love your new blog look. Need to visit again soon~~~
