Tuesday, May 26, 2015

the week ahead

- graduation Open House on Saturday

- harp recital of Emma's next year's roommate tonight
- birthdays of several dear friends this week
- hot now
- cleaning
- working on two workshops I will give in June at the 
  Charlotte Mason Institute Conference in Kentucky
- heroic poetry and the power of stories
- moral imagination ( listen to  a good graduation speech
   by JK Rowlings, not very long -2008 at Harvard) So very well said
   from this excellent writer: 

  'The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination'

    and I keep thinking about her words: 

My favorite Poem at the moment
which makes me think about imagining  a cup of sunset and
counting robin songnotes  or see how far the morning leaps: 

Bring me the sunset in a cup,
Reckon the morning's flagons up
And say how many Dew,
Tell me how far the morning leaps
Tell me what time the weaver sleeps
Who spun the breadth of blue!

Write me how many notes there be
In the new Robin's ecstasy
Among astonished boughs.
How many trips the Tortoise makes
How many cups the Bee partakes,
The Debauchee of Dews!

Also, who laid the Rainbow's piers,
Also, who leads the docile spheres
By withes of supple blue?
Whose fingers string the stalactite
Who counts the wampum of the night
To see that none is due?

Who built this little Alban House
And shut the windows down so close
My spirit cannot see?
Who'll let me out some gala day
With implements to fly away,
Passing Pomposity?  

              - Emily Dickinson.

1 comment:

podso said...

You are having a gala week! See you soon.