Wednesday, July 23, 2014

frogs & veils

I do sound like one. 
But I am much better. 
You can ask my sister who called today and heard me. 
 Summer cold and lost my voice but there is mending.
It gives rest and slows  time down. 
Time becomes like a monastery.

These words from The Rabbit Room are perfect for my 
"monastic " quiet these last 5 days: 

... a place I had found time and again to be what Celtic spirituality would describe as “thin”—where the veil between heaven and earth becomes so translucent, both become more luminous.

I was just at a monastery two weeks ago to see the Abbey. 
It was like this:

...the immense silence of it all. Pace yourself and breathe. Notice small things.

Spirituality that is thin is strong. It can see through the veil and things become
more luminous.  I had a moment today. This was my first day out since Saturday morning. 
I did run into a young girl who is going across the world for 2 years to be a teacher with a mission organization. We hugged from afar. I have this summer cold. You can hear it. She hugged my daughter. (She had dated one of my sons. He is married now!)

The thin veil of the Spirit.
  No mistaking the timing. 
All in Target.
( and praying  t she will not catch my summer cold even without hugging goodbye)

Belmont Abbey 
with Charlotte in the background


1 comment:

melissa said...

Oh Bonnie...I do love you so.