Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beauty for Saturday

1.I found a gorgeous type called Gabriola on my emails.

I think I am in love with and want to write like it. 
It is not on my blog choices.
boo hoo.... you will have to email me to see and I may
be doing copywork with it to improve my handwriting
for letter writing. 

2. Anthology 

I got this magazine on sale at Anthropologie when this Minnesota friend was here
for the Charlotte Mason Institute Conference. ( CMI) . It is online also here.

3. Gorgeous post  at Sanctuary to walk the streets of London: 


( London in grey)

4. If you love Coldplay, here is their concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London last 
Tuesday night.  Audio. 

 I have listened to it 3 times. 
Who is counting?
My children are. 

1 comment:

Gail said...

Love that letter writing! And it's on your email??? No way!