Monday, May 3, 2010

Gratitude Journal

As I read Holy Experience blog this
morning , rain , welcome rain, falls,
I think upon what I am thankful for.
I've just had a double digit
birthday ( two nickels) and a dear friend
gave me a tea. I was moved by the beauty
of friendship. It does that ~~ moves you
to love and give and be thankful.

I was thankful for my husband as we went
to the foothills of the Appalachains to a small
hamlet for lunch! Spring was arriving in the
leaves! All sorts of shades of green. We are in
summer green already from a few hot days
that arrived early and then left. Summer tried
to return yesterday! So humid and hot. That
is why the rain is so welcome!

I was thankful for my children who all said
and gave me such wonderful gifts. They are
gifts to me.

I started my next Book Review book from
Thomas Nelson Publishers on Isaac Newton!
I read it out loud to Ken in the car as we
traveled on Saturday. We are awaiting his
discovery of gravity but we both were fascinated
with who this man was. A good biography gives
the reader a sense of knowing the person. More
on that when I am finished.
I am always thankful for a good book!

holy experience


Brenda Williams said...

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday God bless you, happy birthday to you...and many ya!

walking said...

How much emphasis was their on his life as a Christian? Would it be a suitable read for high schoolers?

Happy birthday!!!!! A day late I assume . . . :-)

Come Away With Me said...

I wanted to say happy "double-nickle" birthday to you...your tea party was a wonderful treat for an important celebration. Friends are such a blessing.