Monday, March 16, 2015

is there such a thing

Too many books in a stack?
Or maybe the question is time?
I have too many I want to read.

Spring arrived. 
Two loads of laundry dried outside on the line.

The last  two lines of this poem rise up in my mind
as I think of today: 

Sabbaths 1998

The woods and pastures are joyous
in their abundance now
in a season of warmth and much rain.
We walk amidst foliage, amidst
song. The sheep and cattle graze
like souls in bliss (except for flies)
and lie down satisfied. Who now 
can believe in winter? In winter
who could have hoped for this? 

 ( from Given, 2005)
Wendell Berry

1 comment:

podso said...

A nearly perfect day. Your laundry must smell wonderful after being out in the spring air.