Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Letter T

I recently saw this illuminated
letter "T:
at MoBia's KJV's 400th Anniv.
Exhibit. It is small but glorious.

All the letters were beside the
larger canvas which Makoto
did for each of the Four Gospels.
Each Gospel had it's own wall.
He then illuminated each chapter.
Here is Chapter 1 of Matthew:

Matthew 1 TE

My Matthew 1 chapter head initial letter (each initial letter was specifically designed for each chapter) Here you can see the names in Matthew's genealogy listed inside the "T." The shape of the "T" always reminds me of the cross of Jesus.

Makoto Fujimura


Come Away With Me said...

It's glorious...all that vivid color.

podso said...

Simply beautiful Bonnie. Now I know what you were talking about yesterday!

Gail said...

I do wish we had known this BEFORE seeing the exhibit.....I would have looked more closely. I'm sure there were volumes there I missed, just for not knowing.