Wednesday, October 12, 2016

working ...

Fall Break is over for me.... and my daughter. She is back at school and so am I. 
Here are a few things I ran into tonight while working on my next couple of days 
of teaching and some do not have anything to do with what I am doing but you know how that is when you see something so beautiful: It possesses you:

This Little Red Riding Hood

from the Morgan Library exhibit of the Brontes on Instagram and the illustrators site is here
Cheers to Samantha Dion Baker (@sdionbakerdesign)! This page from her sketchjournal is inspired by a recent visit to the exhibition "Charlotte Brontë: An Independent Will." You can see more from#sdionbakersketchjournal by checking our her Instagram feed.

CHALLENGE: Post a drawing with #MorganLibrary for the chance to see your artwork featured here. Whether it's after a work from our collection, a special exhibition, or a part of the campus (interior or exterior) we can't wait to see what inspires you!
#MorganLibrary #Bronte200 #CharlotteBronte

well , there is more but I need to get some THINGS done for tomorrow. 
Just popped in to say HI and how's it going and isn't OCTOBER glorious now that 
that Matthew has gone and left so much rain!

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