Wednesday, January 18, 2017


I am back to teaching and reading and excited a granddaughter will be here in a month if she arrives on time. Maybe she will want to see the world and come early?  I  thought that with my first being born on Christmas Eve. He was due in January and came early.  He didn't want to miss Christmas! Maybe she will come Valentine's Day?! We shall see. Here are a few books I am reading:

for Book Club

Going to be teaching Frankenstein in Feb. so reading  this wonderful biography by a favorite author, an author we collect:   

I recently finished Walter Wangerin's new book on writing:

Teaching Langston Hughes to middle school age kids and it is my first time reading his work. 

They are memorizing the title poem:

Bring me all of your dreams,
You dreamer,
Bring me all your
Heart melodies
That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too-rough fingers
Of the world. 


podso said...

So excited that you'll be a grandma soon.

Heather said...

So many interesting books to check out! thank you.