good mail day
- letter from England via this handwriting letter challenge in the UK
- update on one child at Dohnavur Fellowships in India who I have been praying for
for many years
- registration check for my class next year
- 3 free teabags from Twinings which you can do here
a used book I ordered
- boots I ordered
the murmuring cottage
That is a good mail day indeed! Sometimes all we receive in our mailbox is flyers and junk mail these days.
Excellent and exciting!
I assume you've seen the documentary on Amy Carmichael and the Dohnavur Fellowship?
A Christian Indian friend visited the area and brought back photos to share when I was still teaching in a Christian school in Philly and we had read a children't biography of Amy Carmichael. I've loved her since I was a young girl.
I follow Silver Pebble on Instagram but cannot commit to any more letter writing right now. I hope your mail box finds something soon from my house, it's on my top to-do list. :)
Here's to many more good mail days!
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