Thursday, October 1, 2015

storm brewing on the East Coast and you can feel it in the air after a wet week. The sun did peep out yesterday but not enough to dry out the land. 

We will  hunker down ( although I have a class to teach tomorrow) are inland but we will get rain. It's quite cool this first day of October. Everyone is posting Anne of Green Gable's quote about October. Do see how many posts you see and you will want to read the books again. 

I am thrilled to have Anne White's Poplicola curriculum in a book. See here. It is also available free on Ambleside Online. I am teaching it to two middle school classes and my high school class. I am very pleased and thankful to Anne. All students are growing in their intellectual ruts and imaginations. I wish I had known this when my own children were younger. All grown up now which is what happens, doesn't it.

Into this memoir and reaching deep into my  places of doubt and struggle which I didn't expect from Wangerin but I should have known better. Excellent. 

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