Friday, January 27, 2012

Spring Friday in January!

Daffodils on our walk today. Really. It is still January. 

Quote that my students heard, discussed, copied  in their journals , and then wrote about it:

"The essential disciplines of emerging leaders provide  them with an ability to see beyond the constraints of present circumstances to the possiblities of the future. They stir up in them a hunger to see what is in terms of what ought to be. They provoke in them a passion to live life beyond the limits imposed by the tyranny of the urgent."
 by Tristan Gylberd

Habits matter.
Work matters. 
The tyranny of the urgent presses in even on 14 - 18 year olds. (My students' ages.) Living beyond that is where the balance is. Like today's walk at the end of a busy week. Needed for thinking time with my husband.  Laundry needed to be folded but ....... the tyranny of the urgent. The busyness of a home.

How about you? What are your habits of discipline? 
Lectio Divina.  Drink from it. 
You find the time to do what you are called to do. You have to have Lectio Divina to do that. 

Thank you , Tristan!

1 comment:

debbie bailey said...

So true! Thanks for the reminder. It's just WAY too easy to get caught up in all that has to be done to run a home to the neglect of the eternal.