Back to back weekends of travel: this time to Georgia.
We celebrated again ( also in NY) and this time with a cake.
You know how birthdays can be. You know, celebrating over and over again.
Sweet 16 is a special one. Her aunt surprised her!
We also had a party for my husband's mother: 78.
She had cupcakes with flowers and balloons on top. So cute.
From Publix , which we don't have here but one is coming soon.
They have good bakeries.

We also saw these painting in Atlanta at the High Museum:
The Girl with the Pearl Earring by Vermeer
Rembrandt's Simeon's Song of Praise
Rembrandt made this painting in 1631 when he was about 25 and still living in Leiden.
plus more from the exhibit if you love Dutch painters.
Rembrandt's Self-portrait
I was struck by beauty and stood before Rembrandt's paintings almost in tears. They
were so beautiful.I did well up at Simeon's Song of Praise.The frame had Simeon's Lofzang
One Dutch word for Song of Praise. His white collar too........ get close, You can see
every detail. Beyond words. Took my breath away. . .
Beautiful! LOVE the High....happy birthday, Emma!
Happy 16th to Emma, a little late, but certainly 16 should be celebrated all of July! I'm sure it was amazing to see the girl with the pearl ... you are traveling a lot this summer!
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