Tuesday, February 1, 2011

La Piere ...The Prayer

William Bouguereau's Painting : La Piere

Today, within the same hour, several
friends told me Prayers were answered.
In person and on the phone. I had prayed
for each request in the past week and
the past month, even over a year for one.
We had waited for answers.
I am amazed at the rain from heaven into
my ears as I listened to what God had answered.

Be encouraged. Waiting is worth it.


melissa said...

The spiritual rain has fallen here on us this week as well.


podso said...

Rain from heaven here today also. Minor things but major to me for they show His power and His care in the every day.

Come Away With Me said...

Your post is a little bit of that heavenly rain on me....an illustration of my recent reading of Andrew Murray's Ministry of Intercessory Prayer and an true encouragement and blessing.

Joanne said...

So lovely and such encouragement!
I adore the artwork/paintings
of William Bouguereau!
Beautiful post!