Thursday, July 2, 2009


These days are ones that we
are thankful to have jobs. Today
my newlywed son has a Paid Time
Off , mandatory. AND Monday too.
Tomorrow being a paid holiday!His
dad just has tomorrow off.
It's probably a way to reward their
workers after the June 15th tax deadline
that demanded overtime.
We don't hear so much
of that to give us hope. Gratitude.
It's more of no jobs, layoffs, and
firings in this financial city.

Beans, squash and banana peppers
in abundance came to a kitchen of
a friend in need by her brother!
"Call to Me and I will answer" saith
the Lord in Jer. 33:3. Jeremiah had
prayed "nothing is hard for You , Lord,
who shows lovingkindness to thousands..
great in counsel and mighty in deed"
( Jer. 32: 17-19)

My heart enlarged with hope reading this
this morning.
"A thank offering to the house of the Lord
( 33:11)... I will restore....and make it a
habitation of shepherds who rest their
flocks." I'm looking for those shepherds
amongst us! Seen any?

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