Monday, July 13, 2009


To have a pile of books to
read is like Thanksgiving.
So much to digest! So much
to ponder and grow upon.
It's like good vitamins!
It's wonderful to find books
that I've read before and reread
them at another time in my life.
One is The Summer of the
Great-Grandmother by Madeleine
L'Engle. It makes me think of
the 3 months before my mother
passed away. We cared for her
and depended on grace to abound
in each detail. Who was going to
stay with her when the nurse was

I love her beginning to this book that
at her mother's 90th birthday it felt
like a toboggan ride.

"My mother's plunge into senility
reminds me of that
toboggan ride."

"It's a good thing to have all the props
pulled out from under us occasionally.
It gives us some sense of what is
rock under our feet, and what is sand.
It stops us from taking anything
for granted. It has also taught me
alot about living in the immediate
moment. I am somehow managing
to live one day, one hour at a time."

I find myself taking in those words to
pray. Another act of Gratitude.

The Summer of the Great-Grandmother (Crosswicks Journal, Book 2)


Come Away With Me said...

I really enjoyed L'Engle's four Crosswicks Journal books when I read them a couple of years ago. They are keepers!

Enjoy your book bounty.

podso said...

Perfect quote for me.

Rhondi said...

Hi Bonnie
I was looking through some of the comments on some of my older posts and saw that you klive in Charlotte. I don't know if I ever responded back to you and if I didn't I apaologize. I wonder if you live near me. I live off Sardis Road.