Corrie Ten Boom learned
from her father as he taught
her watchmaking that her
character was being formed.
Watch repairing was training
in patience.
She would pray " Lord, will You
lay Your Hand upon my hand?"
And He always did as she worked
on fragile parts of a watch.
Today I'm praying for the things
I need to do.
She write " our joined hands
worked securely. Jesus never fails
us for a moment. I experienced
the miracle that the highest potential
of God's love and power is available
to us in the trivial things of everyday."
Lord, lay Your hand upon my hand
Michelangelo's Creation of Adam

Just when I needed it! A fresh, thought-provoking, well-written blog by a woman with (apparently) similar quest living life to its fullest; loving God with heart, soul, mind and strength....lover of books and beauty. I'll need to spend extra time "catching up" with you via your writing here.....
I'll have to visit you Rebecca!
Thank you for the gracious and generous complements. It's very humbling.
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