I read this gripping piece: The Sins and Sorrows of Selma
and ran into this quote:
As Wendell Berry says, “Love is never abstract. It does not adhere to the universe or the planet or the nation or the institution or the profession, but to the singular sparrows of the street, the lilies of the field, ‘the least of these my brethren.’ Love is not, by its owndesire, heroic. It is heroic only when compelled to be. It exists by its willingness to be anonymous, humble, and unrewarded.”
I went looking for where this quote came from and now listening
to him read and he made me laugh ( I am not a critic of my writing, he said)
and then he read Fly Away Breath which starts with Andy Catlett.
Worthy of time to read and listen.
Made my afternoon running into him.
lamb stew on the stove that kind of looks like this:
( from The Murmuring Cottage)

Oh, Bonnie! Thanks for sharing that quote. I look forward to listening.
Thanks Bonnie. And lamb stew? The Gardener would be right over!
I so enjoyed listening to that. Thank you!
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