Monday, December 9, 2013

the weekend

I saw Fra Angelico's angels. My daughter sparkled as she saw some first at the Louvre.
"Mom!" We both sighed, filled with awe, stunned by beauty. Florence. He painted on
the walls of San Marcos Monastery. I want  to now him better and his work. My students
studied him this Fall and it is the halos that always capture us. Would that we would be seen
with such reflection of Christ.  Advent.

Wrapping up "school" this week and keeping Christmas slowly and unhurried coming
towards us. My husband and daughter sang in our church's Christmas choir service
Saturday and Sunday night. Here are the two songs the teen choir sang. If you don't know
them, they  will resound with beauty. Here is the Westminster Abbey Choir:

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day

O Magnum Mysterium

1 comment:

podso said...

I'm so glad you put up these two songs. Such richness last night.