Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Day of 2011

Warm outside.
Carolina blue sky.

I finished the very British Wodehouse book: Right Ho, Jeeves. There were many words to ask my husband!
He is almost like a walking dictionary but a few stumped him. Skijoring; buckedness ( in looking this word up , the lines in the book came up on Google! Must be a Wodehouse word); others and of course:
What ho and Right ho! 

Quiet evening ahead after a few weeks of preparations
and travel. 

How about you?


podso said...

Bonnie if you read this book on a kindle it would define the words for you, no? Happy new year to you all!

Come Away With Me said...

Yes, quiet evening for us too, just me and the Musician. Happy New Year to you over there on the east side of our nation, just one more hour to go for you, four for us.