Just reading Ann Voscamp's
wonderful blog this morning
as she has taught me every Monday
to think about Gratitude. I start
thinking about the start of the
weekend. Weekends bring a
different rhythm and this one
was full of celebration.
I thankful for my friend Barb
who is moving with Wycliffe Bible
Translators to Europe. She gave
a tea on Saturday for her friends
and gave us unhurried time ,
delicious breakfast , and the gift
of her love. Maybe she will start
a blog when she moves in August!
Saturday also included a graduation
ceremony which my son was not apart
of but one of my students who has come
to my house for 4 years! I was amazed
at the end to find out the interweavings
of lives when another parent of one of
my students KNEW a very dear old friend-
neighbor of mine. Edith Schaeffer is so
right in her book Tapestry.
Absolutely amazing projects given in our
Gileskirk class last week. The Spirit teaches
and did so in very deep truths. I'm so
thankful for seeing growth and grace in
their academics, orthodoxy to orthopraxy.
One student wrote poems based on L.L .
Barkat's poetry book: InsideOut.
She started writing a poem a day but
it turned into illustrating them and like
most of us: how do we do that everyday.
She realized alot about calling and the
joy of her talents in art and words.

Really good sermon yesterday.
I am full of gratitude and praise
for the Lord bore fruit that afternoon.
Yesterday Dr. Michael
Milton. Pres. of RTS, preached on
"The Grace of Locust Shells:
How God Redeems Us from the Pain
of the Past."( Joe l 2: 24 -27).
I've heard him preach before and it is
what I think Spurgeon would sound like!
Amazingly, God gave me wisdom in talking
to my twin about some pain in the past
and he lives whereI grew up:
Grace spilling over into Scott's life!

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