Last city on Paul McCartney's tour was added in the early summer : Greensboro, NC.
Three of my sons had seen him a few years ago here in Charlotte but we were at the beach. Actually , they were too, but drove back. We had hope McCartney would come around again and he did last Thursday night! Here are some of my texts to and fro TO my sister who was also going but we did not sit together. We were sitting high up and across for the show at the Coliseum. I never saw her. We started texting early in the day and all day until it started.
G= my sister
B= me
G: Yesterday, all my troubles were so far away..... excited about the concert!!
B: me too--- blackbird singing in the ...
G: Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
B: Do you want to know a secret--do, da, do..
G: Michelle ma belle
B: silly love songs...
G: Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs... what's wrong with that? I need to know . SO here I go again....I love you...
B: She loves you , ya ya ya
G: There are places I remember , in my life, though some have changed..
B: Getting ready to leave--- a hard's day's night coming up!
G: On our way... band on the run
G: Not quite to Asheboro... guess we can't eat together.... cuz... we all live in a yellow submarine..
B: Eating at Wendy's : all the lonely people
G: Oh my gosh... just passed Rocky Racoon by the side of the road!!
B: we did earlier--- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ( wonder if he will end with Hey Jude)
G: The trees r gorgeous... Good Day Sunshine
B: HELP , I need somebody
G: Hope you don't feel like you're BACK In the USSR!
later in the Coliseum:
G: Where r u?
B: Row Y : so near the top
G: almost. Row W . Guess who is sitting next to me? Eleonor Rigby!
B: We just saw Lovely Rita Meter Maid!
G: Good seats. Across the Universe!
B: hard to see you but IT's getting better all the time...
G: Video in hand ... but gotta admit it's getting better all the time!
B: I'm fixin' a hole where the rain gets in.
Here is the concert playlist: opening with Magical Mystery tour and ending
with THE END. ( 39 songs and two encores)
Live and Let Die was explosive! Literally:
This is for John Lennon:
Good closeup at the END:
... and in the end , the love you take is equal to the love you make
Such a fun day exchanging lyrics with you! and such a great concert. I was in McCartney Mode for days:)
You two are adorable. I saw George Harrison many moon's ago, but never Paul. You obviously had such fun!
Thanks you guys for sharing your sister texts! What fun and what a memory for you, not to mention the memories for all of us.
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