- all he knew to do , for now, was keep his mouth shut , and
in silence let the Holy Spirit do the talking.
( from Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good by Jan Karon)
Still ( which is part of stillness) putting silence into my days .
Staying home helps. Sometimes silence is just getting messes
cleaned up or laundry hung out on these warm October days
and putting them away in piles on upstairs beds.
Sometimes silence isn't still.

Yes. All over yes.
I have never thought about silence as being not still, but you are so right.
I think of silence as being with one's self..alone and quiet, lost in sounds of birds, the beauty of clouds..just in sitting, sitting. But you make me think about the silence of seconds, minutes, hours and a day in moving slowly with intention, gratitude and quiet joy... a path that my feet just follow..quietly slippered..a gift of grace.
And I'm thinking of still being a part of stillness. Beautiful words today, visualizing your clothesline. Not so many boys' pants on it as in years gone by. And what a beautiful photo.
Thank you so for your visit..between frivolous and fun reading I've gotten some Thomas Merton.
Wishing you a lovely week.
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