Sunday, June 16, 2013

Back & refreshed

Last night, I covered my kitchen table with papers, glue stick , and piles from 
being away this past week  to the Charlotte Mason conference.
 I did NOT do any handwork but did room with my dear friend Carla
 who was doing the Handwork workshops.
So I needed to work with my hands in quiet.

Loved seeing friends who go back every year.
Loved meeting new friends.
Loved being up in the Blue Ridge Mts. of Virginia. 
Came back refreshed and nourished. 
Loved learning more about Charlotte Mason. She is a deep well.

Here are some blogs I am reading tonight. 

It all started here: 
Sea Angels

Catherine Frere-Smith

Pia Jane Bijkerk: Enhance

Of course Jessie Chorley in London

From Australia:
Cathy Peyton: Dare to Dream

here in the States
Jeanne Oliver


Is This the Right Path

This was our conference painting: Jean Francoise Millet:
Feeding Her Birds 

“It's delightful when your imaginations come true, isn't it?” 
― L M Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables


podso said...

Richness! I wait to see what you will create with your hands. The painting is magnificent,

Nancy Kelly said...

I concur with everything you said. (Love Anne's quote, too!) Now to get something up on my blog...

It was so good to see you and to talk. I do miss you and am thankful that we talk so often via email. Technology can be a gift.

I am thinking much about being generative!

From joy to joy,

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I see you like Anne spelled with an 'E' too.

Enjoying my visit to your blog. I like your blog's a hopeful title.