My high school literature students
picked a Mark Twain book to
read over Spring Break :one they
had not read. One student had
already read his new autobiography
that was just published and gave a
"Book Talk" on it before break.
I borrowed this idea from my
wonderful daughter-in-law who is
an 8th grade English teacher .
It was fun yesterday. It especially
helped with so many reading
different books. It is a creative
narration of a Character.
1. Pick a character from your book .
2. Draw a body.
3. For the backbone: draw what drives the character.
4. For the mind: what the character thinks about.
5. For the heart: what the character loves.
6. For the eyes: what does the character focus on.
7. In the hands: put something that is associated with the character, what he does or makes you think of the character ( ex: a paintbrush for Tom Sawyer)
6. Put what the character is standing on: a foundation that is what he beliefs about life are.
Then from their Commonplace Book they picked out quotes to put around the body-character.
All done with the background soundtrack
of The King's Speech!
A lovely atmosphere that Charlotte Mason
defined " Education is an atmosphere, a discipline,
and a life."