We could
see St. Francis
through the
garden gate of
this shop as
we passed. He
brought a sense
of beauty to the day. We were up in Highlands,
NC to celebrate my mother in law's 75th birthday.
I'm thankful for her health and fun we had.
I head out tomorrow again to this conference in
Franklin, Tenn. You can get a streamline of the
conference fairly inexpensively. It stays on your
computer for a couple of months. I need to find
out if I can get what I miss while I'm there.
What a world we live in. Too much and not enough
time.You can't be in two places at once!
The best thing about a conference are the
people and being there.
My "least one" ( borrowed term from Melissa)
turns 13 on Saturday.
She has seemed older for so long and
looks older. Maybe she is fitting right
into more of her age! I'm thankful for
my children and one wife and the wives
to come!
Gordan found a used bookshop called
Shakespeare and Co. It was delightful.
Great taste in books in a small yellow
cottage nestled behind the main street.
He wiped them out of Umberto Eco and
I found some Wendell Berry and great
children's books to give as gifts. I am
thankful for that local find.

I love the used bookstore Shakespeare and Company in Paris. :) My Littlest played an old piano there and lost her rock she'd been carting all over the city. Memories...
The July/August issue of Country Living Magazine has an article on Franklin!!
You mean there's a Shakespeare and Co. in Franklin, TN?
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