Monday, March 15, 2010

George MacDonald's well crafted sentences

This is not today:

" The air was clear and clean,
and full of life. The wind was

( What's Mine's Mine, George
MacDonald, 1886)

Today is quite blustery.
The Weather Channel keeps having
thunder sounds ( if you were sitting
right here by me, you would hear!),
but the winds keep blowing the skies
to that clear , cloudless blue,
I love seeing the day change. Life in
the sky.

A Monday to think upon Gratitude:

Today I am thankful for the Word.
Richly drinking from it as Jesus has
told us to do.

I'm thankful for these of my own( from Ann

Mamas memorize moments.

I'm thankful for prayers that keep being
answered. You pray them for your children
and now are living the days when they
have grown up and God keeps answering.
His memory is not like mine.

I'm thankful for the Lord being so
full of Mercy.

Mercy is the second
daughter in the above book. Yes,
from Pilgrim's Progress. You can
guess her sibling's names!

holy  experience

1 comment:

podso said...

Yes, we can be thankful God's memory is not like ours! So thankful.