Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Great start to Beth's biology
class today. Emma came home
with so much to tell from her
first day . Delighted!
AND she is the only girl.
Sort of like her life with four
older brothers. Emma even said
Beth taught how Charlotte Mason
teaches with living books,
narration, etc.. so it will be a good
year in high school science.
Very lacking in my memory of
my high school experience.
I never feel in love with it but I know
I would if I were in Beth's class!
I'll read the books this year ~~
they are good ones. Thanks Beth.
For CM fans, check out
CM blog carnival with many links
from Amy who is headed to Peru
soon. Amy made me laugh alot
at the Childlight Conference so I've
tucked her in my heart for prayer.
Makes me think of this beautiful
quote from In this House of Brede
by Rumer Godden:
" We have you tucked in out sleeves,"
Dame Perpetua had written to the expectant
mother. 'In our sleeve.' and it was true.
Every nun had her personal post , a continual
stream of letters went out - 'lifelines' , many
people called them: each anchored in the
strength of prayer."
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wanderlust and joy
“Modern life is moving faster than the speed of thought--or thoughtfulness.” Rebecca Solnit
Walking this morning with Emma to slow down
the speed of life. Modern life presses in , doesn't it.
I press in prayers , even so short,
at this time; feeling there's joy that even might
surprise me but I might miss it if I'm going too
fast. Lewis' "Surprised by JOY" were those
beginnings of joy in his life aesthetically
and spiritually ( which you know he did alot of
1. the memory of a memory: "As I stood beside
a flowering currant bush on a summer day ther
suddenly arose in me without warning , and as
if from a depth not of years but of centuries,
the memory of that earlier morning at the Old
House when my brother had brought his toy
garden into the nursery. It is difficult to
find words strong enough for the sensation
which came over me: Milton's "enormous
bliss" of Eden... gives somewhere near it.
2.through Squirrel Nutkin: enamoured of a
season . The idea of Autumn. ... It was some-
thing quite different than ordinary life and
even from ordinary pleasure: something,
as they would say, "in another dimension."
3. through Poetry: I was lifted into huge
regions of northern sky: Longfellow's
Saga of King Olaf.

Friday, August 26, 2011
August TEA
I'm listening to HEM
from NYC as I get ready
for a Summer TEA here in the
morning. NYC: a place which
should be bracing for the
hurricaine winds. I have a
nephew in Brooklyn who is
doing his residency.
This will be as fascinating
as my policeman son's stories!
He did a drug bust one night
this past week! He was surprised
the 20 year old confessed to growing
and selling that plant!
As the winds come by, we will
be having TEA in the morning
to kick off the year English Style.
Charlotte Mason would be pleased.
Many will share Impressions from
the Childlight Conference this past
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wasn't it just lovely this morning!

It was SO cool this morning
as Summer comes to an end.
School is beginning here in the
South. Not really in our home.
The boys have left to start a
new year. My daughter-in-law
begins a new grade teaching
English/ history : 7th grade.
Graduate school almost done
for her and for another son.
The youngest of five is in
HIGH SCHOOL. I can see the
end of the road!
Today we had breakfast at
The Flying Biscuit with two
young moms I've seen from high
school to college to marriage to
motherhood. One said " Emma,
get ahead and make your Senior
year " a Gap Year" . You'll get
to do the things that you want
to do and explore to see if you are
good at it ." Good advice for the
last one at home.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Jane Austen and FB?!

Got to this part this afternoon: " "Love and
Freindship, the most famous of her
adolescent satires (" as fast as she could
write and quicker than she could spell"
Virginia Woolf remarked about them) ......
" After having been deprived during
the course of 3 weeks of a real friend.....
imagine my transports at beholding one,
most truly worthy of theName... ...
instantly unfolded to each other the
most inward secrets of our Hearts."
One can imagine the fun that Austen
would have made of Facebook, or
MySpace, or Twitter, with their
comparable illusion
of instantaneous intimacy."
** yes, Austen did spell Friend wrong, thus the
comment by Virginia!
Saving Snail Mail
Happened upon from
looking up Scriptura,
a Paper store via an
old Victoria magazine,
to this blog called
Saving Snail Mail.
Communication has
many tools. So the letter
now is not like Jane Austen's
or C.S. Lewis' which nowadays
can be to converse online.
BUT it can be.
What about handwriting?
Read my friend's blog.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yesterday was a total junk mail day.
Just back from the mailbox:
3 letters , Victoria magazine,
Netflix movie, and a returned
letter that I put the
wrong zip code ON!! I put mine.
What was I thinking!
Wish it was as easy as the above
The lost art of letter writing
is flourishing today.
Think I will have a cup of tea
and read!
Handmade journals
Always beautiful to
made by hands:

You can find the link from this blog.
I bought a small stack of 3 at Anthropologie
last night. " Journals are my one weakness."
(Larkrise to Candleford ~~ Dorcas)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Wishing I lived closer
To go to this shop
in London:

LOOK to see the journals made out of old books.
Handmade metal teacup that is so pretty!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The King's Speech
A podcast with the screen-writer
of this excellent film about how
Colin Firth learned to stutter.
Blog Transcript: David Seidler
Well, I worked with him a great deal; or, I think he worked on me a great deal. Anyway, he said, "Look, you're writing from your own experience; this is your story, as well as Birdie's." And, of course, he was quite correct. So we worked together a great deal during the pre-production rehearsal period. We had three weeks, which is extraordinary for a film. That's almost as long as you get for a Broadway or West End play. They only rehearse for four weeks, so it's really amazing. And it's great that we had it. And Colin questioned me very thoroughly: first, working from the out towards the in. He was asking me how it felt, physically: which muscles, how did the chest feel, where did the shoulders go, what's happening in your stomach, what happens to the column of air, the way the jaw juts forward and locks? All of these things: he wanted exactly as much muscle memory as I could convey to him. And then, he started questioning me about the internals: the sense of frustration, the sense of loneliness, the inner silence because you can't speak. He really delved into it very, very deeply. And then, of course, everyone said, "Well, I wonder if Seidler really knows what he's talking about." So, they got all the very top British speech therapists to come in, and they said, "Yeah, actually, he does know what he's-- yeah, he's been there. That's the way it is."
Ordinary People and books
labor around us who
perhaps have the greatest
influence. Read Iain
Murray: co-founder of
Banner of Truth Publishing,
being interviewed in Table Talk.
TT: Who are some of the people you have learned from the most in your ministry?
IM: I owe a great debt to many people. In my university years, there was no one who impressed me more as a Christian than Sarah Cochrane, a Salvation Army woman, who washed the floors in our college and had to live with a drunken husband. Among my greatest helpers were older men who led me to good books: F.J. Hobbs (a tailor) and S.M. Houghton (a schoolmaster). Later on, my generation had the privilege of knowing John Murray (who spent much of his life at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia) and Martyn Lloyd-Jones. They were humble, godly leaders.
We never know how our lives will touch others. For example, how few of the names of mothers are known to the world, but how different Christian history would have been had their hidden ministry not been exercised. And what Christian man can say how much he owes to his wife? For all Christians, the words are true: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9).
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Second Beach READ

My friend Jeannette was reading this
book about this painting by Delacroix
while we were at a recent conference.

Finished it up in the beach house not
on the beach last week. Library book.
It didn't need wind and sand.
The author is in search for the meaning
of the painting and writes this
as a memoir. Great painting to
study as in Picture Study.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Dreaming of cool air.
Aren't you?!!!
N.D. Wilson writes in
Notes from a Tilt-A-Whirl:
"Summer --sun-cure the world.
Here Spring grows and greens
and warms , spreading life,
wrapping us in her arms,
until suddenly we realize that she's
not a girl anymore. She's a woman.
A woman named Summer.
The world is still greening while the
students leave this town. ....The
students leave the full joy of
spring's summer transition to the
It's quieter that way, and we listen
to the leaves grow and the wheat
combing the wind's belly.
Spring is spiritual. Resurrection
always is. Summer brings the fruit
of that resurrection."
Summer reading: at the beach last