Emma and I sat on the couch
the other night reading. Internet
was down ( very odd ) and a storm
came through. We were reading
different books. Emma finishing up
Gary Schmidt's new book and laughing.
I was reading lines from my book
( Island of the World ...more on that )
and reading paragraphs out loud to her.
There's an Audubon painting theme to
"OKAY FOR NOW." Every chapter has one
of his BIRD paintings with a black and white
on the side page. Also the 8th graders are
reading Jane Eyre. Emma and I laughed
at the funny lines on learning poetry
( again that is for another blog)
and about Jane Eyre:
"Jane Eyre still hadn't figured
out that she was in love with
Mr. Rochester and I mean,
how may more clues do you need?"
Emma stopped reading to read out
loud to me from a book about the
Titanic that a great line about JANE
EYRE is used to describe the shipbuilder:
"Andrews clearly loved his work,
his men and most of all his ships.
Sometime in the spring of 1910,
Andrews brought his wife Helen
to the shipyard at night. They had
been married in June of 1908, and
Helen , knowing full well of her
husband's responsibilities and am-
bitions, described their life in terms
of Jane Eyre could have understood:
" I am my husband's life as fully as
he is mine."
Making great connections!
Charlotte Mason called it : The
Science of Relations. It is a series
of relationships formed by the
learner as he develops an intimacy
with a wide range of subjects.

Can't wait to hear what you think of Island of the World. Have you seen O'Brien's paintings?
The Science of Relations....what a marvelous science that is!
I read OK for Now in one sitting. Found many relationships. The first that caught my attention was the big Audubon book. There is one in a library at Indiana University; they turn one page a day. I've only been there three times so have only seen three of the prints. If I lived there I think I'd be tempted to go every day. One of the most incredible connections in OK for Now as well as in Wednesday Wars is the accurate portrayal of the 60s and the VietNam War error for today's middle readers. I don't know of any other text that does that. Talked with Nancy about the book - she had read your blog -, then dropped of my checked-out-of-the-library copy at her house (since there was plenty of time left until the return date :o). My last communication was that two of her children got to it first and she was still waiting for a crack at it.
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