When seeing the list of books to review from
Thomas Nelson Publishers ( Booksneeze),
this one immediately got ordered.
This past fall I had a deeper sense of joy
in taking communion while on a trip.
This made me think deeper to how I was
taking practice to this sacrament. Nora
places this "practice"into her own story
yet examines communion in Scripture and
historically. She developed a hunger for
Communion. I felt challenged in my heart :
" In the clear water of our lives lies
undiscovered wine."
Tasting of the joy of Christ comes sometimes
when there is an attitude amongst all of
" glad and generous hearts"( Acts 2:46).
There are whiffs of that when you follow
Jesus. I never have served Communion
which Nora does do in the Episcopal
church as a lay minister.
The act of serving would make Communion
different, I imagine. I don't think that
is where the joy is that Jesus gave. It is in
the communion with Him and with the
communion of the saints.
Nora challenged me to think about this
sacrament in terms of community, the
body of saints.
" Holy Communion was a web, a web
of people who were being stitched together.
And tomorrow, we would need
to be stitched together again.
Over and over. One person to the next.
And I , today, was doing the stitching .....
I was making basic stitches, nothing fancy,
nothing permanent."
The joy that Jesus said to do in remembrance
of Him (a sacred meal) is found in this
sacrament. Our sins are forgiven. Amen.
1 comment:
Bonnie, thank you for this review. Another to add to my list.
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