Monday, December 6, 2010

Gratitude Monday

I've gotten to see my sister
two times in less than two weeks.
She lives 2 hours away.
Last night we went to An Irish
Christmas with Keith and Kristyn
Getty. We were blessed with joy.
I was thankful for the time together:
a shared concert.
We had Julia Child's Lamb Stew very
late upon returning. Scroll down in
the recipes from the director's favorites.

Quite cold here today.
Emma is caroling tonight.
Many will be blessed on this
cold wintry night. Seems like a lost
art ~~~ singing in December in
neighborhoods. Great choir so
it should sound magical!
She wishes we had snow. They
do up in the mountains. We did
see snow on top of a van in the
parking lot ~~ that tells you how
cold it is!


beth said...

Our church goes caroling every year in the neighborhood of the person hosting it. Then we head back to their house for hot cocoa, cookies, and laughter! It's always a wonderful evening and people are always surprised to see carolers.

Nancy Kelly said...

Katie went caroling last night - 12F here. And snow. Lots of snow. Oh, how people appreciated those singers...I love December. So nice you and your sister have been able to get together.