We were humming Alleluias from the Easter Service (that the Worship Director wrote) while washing tea cups and plates and cleaning silver for this upcoming event at our house this weekend. Rubbing tarnished silver is quite amazing. It is like magic to see the black tarnish come off on the rag and then it shines! Emma and I both said "THIS is Fun! ( but we don't do this everyday!)" Even got to ironing the cloth napkins and table
Half of the fun of such an event is the preparing ... for while you do that you anticipate with joy what will be. Puttering around getting ready brings drama (tarnish fading into shine), anticipation, and just stretches out the merriment of the whole thing. Enjoy!
Love seeing this. What fun! :)
Yes, it is fun preparing and LIFE still swirls about at the edge on such a week. Emma and I talked about ladies doing this all the time and would it be as much fun?
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