Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Capture the Castle

This is where I was last night,
discussing this wonderful book.
My dear friend , whose blog I just
sent you to, takes photos. She had
the camera. Another dear friend
found "castle" mugs! My , what
a fun time at a coffee shop! What
was amazing is how fast those girls
read the book and then we met. Do
you know how hard it is to get
people together? And this just happened
within two weeks!

from the book:

"I don't intend to let myself become
the kind of author who can only work
in seclusion--- after all, Jane Austen wrote
in the sitting room and merely covered up
her work when a visitor called( but I bet
she thought a thing or two)-- but I am not
Jane Austen yet and there are limits to
what I can stand."

Thank you for my dear friend Dorene
who gave me the book years ago and it
is still being read! That is what makes a
good story. A story that opens the heart.

1 comment:

podso said...

Yes, impromptu is good sometimes. I think of how hard it is to officially plan an official book club gathering!