Sunday, January 17, 2016

snow flurries

Quite pretty this morning and then the flurries stopped. The sun came out
and the Panther's football game had bright light to win in! Andrew Nemr brought
a bouquet of magical wonder to my soul. Not many do that .... in 45 minutes of dance
and song. I am so struck by his words about bringing life to what you do and work hard at it : that is where the joy is. 

These two Portland girls ( 3191) send out a weekly email and I echo these word: 

We are deep into January, and I’m not sure that I’ve found my 2016 rhythm yet. Life has been very full and busy ...

That's me!

Books in my stack: 

This book is by a student of Marilyn Robinson.

1 comment:

podso said...

It was really beautiful with some big flakes this morning. Am loving the coldness. You are busy into another semester of reading and teaching.