Monday, November 11, 2013

blue sky

Crystal blue sky as I look out the kitchen window.
My heart is lighter. 
All hotel rooms booked for the trip plus to my daughter in law's graduation
in December from Grad School. 
Now to plan our days. Any tips for jet lag?

We saw Macbeth yesterday. It was filmed at the Manchester International
Festival and took place in a desconsecrated church. The setting added to 
the performance. The performances by Kenneth Branagh and Alex 
Kingston ( Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) brought a record sell out 
in July in 9 minutes. Watch a trailer here

In the opening scene,  the battle scenes are in the wide center aisle
which is covered with dirt. It rains so now it is covered with mud for the
rest of the play. You are in everything from mud to daggers to sleep walking 
to witches and the high ambition of Macbeth. 

Tremendous acting for the famous scenes: 
Lady Macbeth's "Out damn spot" as guilt devours her. She is sleepwalking and 
still washing blood off her arms and hands. Kingston plays it with torment. 
Macbeth hears her howl then the news of her death. He starts out with 
"Tomorrow, tomorrow..." and the camera fixes on his face. His composure
breaks down to such pain that he barely whispers the last words:  signifying nothing.

There is a beauty beyond words in  their performances of  the beautiful poetry
of their lines. We see Macbeth lay hold of his own glory and ransack Scotland
to  a culture of evil. I couldn't help thinking of our current days with the violence 
in our land. Very good well written review here

1 comment:

podso said...

Our Friend is now at the home of her bride to be and you might contact her there. She happened to tell me today that she has discovered a great tip for jet lag.