Monday is a stay at home
day. I get ready for three
busy days, then friday is
a stay at home day.
Book Ends.
I finished Donald Miller's
To Own a Dragon: Reflections
of Growing Up without a Father.
over the weekend in a few days.
He wrote Blue Like Jazz and
seems to have a knack for putting
jazz into his writing. I never
thought I needed to read this book.
One of my sons loved Miller's books
but we didn't get this one because
he has a dad. Me: divorce. So reading
this book brought to light a few
things to help me go deeper into that
wound. I recommend it to anyone
who has absence in their life. Absence
of any kind, not just a dad. It also is
one of the best books on manhood!
I found this short interview and wonder
if Miller has done this:
Miller: I’m working on a book called A Map of Eden, which is a biography of a performance artist who, with his art, brings to life social justice issues and calls people to action. Thomas Nelson will publish that.
Are you wondering at the title?
It is in the second chapter:
" I didn't start reading till in college,
but I knew about fairies and dragons
and trolls from hearing about them
at reading time when the librarian
at my elementary school crossed her
long legs and sat silently until we
sat silently. Then she'd wrap her lips
around the simple words of a children's
book, holding her palm against the
crease of the page , turning the book
towards us to display the watercolor
pictures ~~~ a small troll in a big coat
who lived under a bridge, his eyes ever
alert for travelers on the bridge. There
was a book of a boy riding a dragon
through the clouds, smoke and fire...
and I remember wondering what it would
be like to own a dragon.....
I bring this up because in writing some
thoughts about a father, or not having
a father, I feel as though I am writing
a book about a dragon or a troll under
a bridge. For me a father is nothing more
than a character in a fairy tale."

Cool! The church he writes about in Blue Like Jazz is my home church. He's a terrific speaker - funny! - and I enjoy his work a lot - though I haven't read this one. He is doing good work with finding mentors for fatherless boys in the city. Good man.
I'm reading a very poignant book right now - so thankful for 'Fall Break' and time to read something just for me. I'm reading Pilgrim's Inn by Goudge. It's food.
I read Blue Like Jazz back when it came out - I think YOU told me about it. I remember having mixed feelings about it, but it's been a long time since I read it...
Can I borrow this book? I'd like to read it, as my Dad died when I was 12, brain tumor.
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