I am heading to the Charlotte Mason
Educational Conference next
and preparing.
A Child's Life in Verse ~~yes,
indeed. Poetry. Jeannette and
I will be doing a workshop on what John
Keats said:
“Poetry should… should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance.“
Emily Dickinson
If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.
From Leavings by Wendell Berry to get me
in the mood:
“Learn by little the desire for all things
which perhaps is not desire at all but undying love
which perhaps is not love at all but gratitude for the being of all things
which perhaps is not gratitude at all but the maker’s joy in what is made,
the joy in which we come to rest.”
Here is Wendell reading from his newest
poetry book : Leavings.
Longer reading here..
You learn alot from listening .